Our Festival
“Festspiele Reichenau” is a high ranking name in the Austrian summer-festival-calender.
Founded in 1988 by Peter and Renate Loidolt and since then successfully directed by them.
In the first years only a well kept secret for theatre-enthusiasts, the festival has expanded and counts nowadays more than 40.000 visitors.
The festival-performances are mostly theatre-plays in German language. Plays from Austrian writers who lived around 1900 and had a strong connection to the famous summer-resort-area around the village of Reichenau (see also “History and Tradition” on this website), but also international writers like the Russians (Tschechow, Gorki, Turgenjew) whose plays fit perfectly to the rural landscape and atmosphere.
As a special literary attraction also well known traditional novels from famous poets are transformed to stage plays by contemporary writers.
In a five-week-period between beginning of July to August there are more than 100 performances of four different plays, a few piano recitals and artist's presentations.
Performances take place in two different locations, the old theatre-hall (391 seats) and the new open arena (with stage in the centre, 305 seats), both in the same festival building, right in the centre of Reichenau along the main street.
Quality-focus is set on best artists and actors, directors and stage-design. Many well known actors from the state theatres of Vienna or German theatres and famous actors from German film or television play the main parts in Reichenau.
Visitors come from Vienna, from all parts of Austria and the neighbouring German speaking countries. For many Austrians who live abroad the festival in Reichenau has become a favorite meeting point with family members when they visit their home-country in summer.
So the theatre-festival “Festspiele Reichenau” is not only a premium place for the performing arts but also a society meeting point.
For information about program and tickets please contact our office. English is spoken.